What is Soul Eater?
Soul Eater is an anime based on the Shonen Jump manga series created by Masako Hamada. The series is set in the same universe as the manga, with additional characters from the original manga appearing in the anime. The series follows the life of Shōmu Hachiken and his friendship with the trio of Maka, Soul, and Death the Weapons. There are many more characters in the series, but these three are the most notable due to the fact that they are all meister and weapon partners. The series follows Shōmu as he trains and tries to become a meister in order to advance to the next level and join the Death Weapon Hunting Corps, otherwise known as DWHC. The series follows the adventures and trials of Shōmu and his friends as they fight evil spirits known as “deaths” with their special weapons and partners.
Who are the main characters in Soul Eater?
Soul – The main protagonist and the human who hosts Death the scythe. He is often a narrator, but often causes the most problems and havoc. He is also a bit of a crybaby, which is often shown as a weakness of his. His weapon is the scythe, and while it is a very useful weapon, it often causes massive damage and death if used carelessly.
Maka – The main female protagonist and the human who hosts Crona the evil half-demon. She is often a narrator, but often causes the most problems and havoc. She is also a bit of a crybaby, which is often shown as a weakness of her. Her weapon is a shield and scabbard, with which she can transform it into a sword or into a gun-like form.
Soul – A meister and partner to Maka. He hosts Soul the angelic rapier. Soul is a kind and helpful character who often gets himself and Maka into trouble, but he often means to help others. His weapon is the rapier, with which he is a skilled fighter.
Death – A meister and partner to Crona. He hosts the scythe, though he is often called the Grim Reaper. Death is a sarcastic and often brutal character who, while violent, means no harm and tries to help others. His weapon is the scythe, which causes massive damage and death if used carelessly.
Soul Calibur and Weapons in Soul Eater
Soul Calibur is a weapon-centric fighting game series (and also a manga series) that was created and developed by Hiromu Takahash. The main series began in arcades in 1997, and was later ported to various consoles. Soul Calibur follows the story of the “Rapture”, a phenomenon where weapons from the souls of the dead are collected and used to battle. Soul Calibur is often referenced in Soul Eater, with Crona even claiming to be from the “other side”. Soul Calibur is also a playable fighting game for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. This series is often referenced in Soul Eater, with Crona even claiming to be from the “other side”. Soul Calibur is also a playable fighting game for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.
Themes & Symbols
Soul Eater is filled with many recurring themes and symbols. Death the Reaper is a key character who often causes harm and brings pain to the characters. You’ll also often see many references to the Soul Calibur series, and the Grim Reaper is often a symbol of death in the series. Perhaps the most notable symbol in Soul Eater is the Yin Yang symbol. This is a recurring symbol in the series, often appearing on the shirts of characters or being held by characters.
Popular Fan Theories
There are many commonly held fan theories when it comes to Soul Eater. One popular theory is that Soul Eater is actually a crossover between the Soul Calibur and Street Fighter franchises. This idea stems from the fact that Soul Calibur has many references to Street Fighter, with its game mechanics being similar to the likes of Marvel vs. Capcom.
Another popular theory is that Soul Eater is actually an alternate timeline of the Soul series. This idea stems from the fact that Soul Eater takes place in the same universe as the Soul series, but is set in an alternate timeline. This would also explain how Crona is a demon and Death the Reaper.
Another popular fan theory is that Shōmu Hachiken is actually a reincarnation of Soul Eater himself. This idea stems from the fact that Soul Eater himself is from the wrong side of the tracks and was considered an outcast.
Future Anime Projects
There are currently no plans for a new Soul Eater anime project. Although, there are plenty of fan theories as to what the Soul Eater universe could be like if an anime was created. One popular fan theory is that Soul Eater is actually a crossover between the Soul Calibur and Street Fighter franchises. This idea stems from the fact that Soul Calibur has many references to Street Fighter, with its game mechanics being similar to the likes of Marvel vs. Capcom.
Other popular fan theories include the idea that Soul Eater is an alternate timeline of the Soul series, and that Soul Eater is actually an alternate version of Shōmu Hachiken himself.
There are also some who believe that Soul Eater takes place in an alternate world, or that it is actually a crossover between the Soul and Death Note universes.
How to Watch Soul Eater?
Soul Eater is available to stream in many different places. For example, it can be found on Crunchyroll, Hulu, and many other places. It can also be purchased digitally on various services, or on Blu-Ray for $24.95. The anime series can also be purchased for $50.00 in a box set, or $30.00 for individual episodes. The series is also available for pre-order on various services, with the first episode being released in September 2018.
Soul Eater is one of the oldest anime still going strong. It first appeared in 1997 and is still going strong in 2018. The series follows the adventures of Shōmu Hachiken and his friends as they fight evil spirits known as “deaths” with their special weapons and partners. The series is filled with many recurring characters and themes that fans have come to love over the years. To help you get up to speed on everything there is to know about this anime phenomenon, we’ve compiled every little detail from A-Z on our handy guide. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or are an old hand who needs a refresher, this will hopefully answer all your questions about this cool series.